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Parent Involvement

SSMRCC values parents as the primary educators of their children and is committed to supporting them in this role. Hence, one of the most foundational elements of educational success is the relationship between the parent and the school. 

A great range of opportunities exist for parents to volunteer at RCC. Parents are welcomed to assist teachers or share their expertise in the Junior and Middle School . Parents are encouraged to volunteer with RCC’s extra-curricular activities. These range from coaching sporting events, home or away, to assisting with Arts exhibitions or volunteering on excursions. Assistance in the organisation and running of special fund raiser events is also appreciated. Parents who would like to assist in connecting the parents of their child’s class beyond the school grounds and at events are also valued.  The Parents, Visitors and Volunteers Code of Conduct is available here.

Opportunities also exist for parents to assist with financial sponsorship for events or to contribute to our three tax-deductible funds dedicated to student scholarships, library improvement or upgrading our facilities and buildings.

If you are interested or feel you can offer services to our school then please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.

In addition to volunteer opportunities, we also welcome enquiries on becoming a member of Ballina Christian Education Association.  BCEA is the governing body of our school and membership of the Association is open to those who subscribe to our Statement of Faith and regularly attend a Christian church. The Board would love to welcome new members and details on membership are available in the links below.

To assist parents in the nurture of their children,

By providing a Christ-centred, biblically grounded, academically rigorous and culturally relevant education that instils a sense of identity, purpose and hope in students that equips them to live for God’s glory.



7 Gallans Road,
Ballina NSW 2478

We look forward to hearing from you