Pre Kindy

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Ages 4 turning 5

RCC Pre Kindy prepares children for their first year of school in a safe, Christian environment that fosters their curiosity and creativity through fun, stimulating programs. Pre Kindy assists children in becoming confident, responsible individuals who have a strong sense of their created self-worth. They learn the value of serving others at school, at home and in the community.

As RCC Pre Kindy kids play with their friends they are safe to ask questions, solve problems and develop new ideas. RCC Pre Kindy kids feel safe and supported in their explorations as they develop the social, literacy and numeracy skills necessary for a great start to Kindergarten.

Pre Kindy is a 3-day program that operates during school hours Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Academic Curriculum

At RCC we believe that all Truth is God’s Truth. When Truth is sought, it will be found. Therefore, all students must be given the opportunity to be taught, to seek, and to find Truth. A student-centred, flexible and responsive pedagogical model provides for the needs and growth of the students. Therefore, learning and assessment is purposefully designed for feedback and growth. 

Pre-Kindy utilises a play-based curriculum, the Early Years Learning Framework, aligned with the NSW Board of Studies syllabus. The Early Years Learning Framework is a nationally accredited framework. Its three concepts characterise children’s lives: Belonging, Being and Becoming. This framework builds on Biblical concepts whereby a child’s development and learning occurs through the relationships and connections they build with God, family, community, church family, and their school. Using this curriculum allows for a smooth integration into RCC’s K-10 Literacy and Numeracy program with outcomes modelled on current worldwide research.

Additionally, RCC Pre Kindy provides sporting, creative and performing arts and excursion experiences throughout the year for the students.

Access to Learning & Learning Environment

At RCC we believe that all students are created in God’s image, possess unique experiences, abilities and motivations that influence how they learn and are capable of learning well. Therefore, every child deserves the grace and opportunity to be understood, catered for, celebrated and faithfully taught to learn well.

RCC Pre Kindy provides students with stimulating internal and external learning environments that facilitate individual and group play, structured and unstructured learning opportunities and safe exposure to their future school environment.

RCC Pre Kindy enables student access to learning through providing a teacher student ratio of 1:10, and specifically adapting the physical environment, educational content, learning processes and outcomes to extend and support each student as necessary.

RCC Pre Kindy also welcomes NDIS supporting specialists to the classroom to enhance the school’s ability to understand and respond to the specific needs of the student.

Pastoral Care

At RCC we believe that all students learn well when they are safe, connected, and belong so they can have the courage to make the mistakes that lead to true learning. Therefore, every student deserves the opportunity to listen, to be heard, to be challenged, to fail and to succeed.

Pre Kindy pastoral care is founded on constant communication to develop powerful, honest relationships between parents and RCC staff. This ensures that RCC staff can support student’s wellbeing through being aware of the challenges and changes the student is facing as they begin their school journey.

Enrolments Open

Register here, interviews commence 30th April

Junior School

Kindergarten – Year 4

RCC Junior School provides a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment where each child is known, valued and extended by their teachers.

Middle School kids in class
Middle School

Years 5 – 8

RCC Middle school builds on the foundations for learning provided by the Junior School and provides the framework for graduation success.

Senior School

Years 9 – 12

RCC Senior School culminates the RCC student’s educational journey through individualised, flexible pathways that launch RCC graduates into their future.

School hours

Monday to Friday                  8:50am — 2:55pm


Wednesday to Friday         8.50am to 2.55pm

Office hours

Monday to Friday                  8:30am — 3:30pm

Book a Tour

To assist parents in the nurture of their children,

By providing a Christ-centred, biblically grounded, academically rigorous and culturally relevant education that instils a sense of identity, purpose and hope in students that equips them to live for God’s glory.



7 Gallans Road,
Ballina NSW 2478

We look forward to hearing from you