Senior School

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Years 9 – 12

RCC Senior School is unique to the Northern Rivers, it recognises the culmination of one journey and the beginning of so much more, by continuing to provide individualised, flexible pathways that launch the RCC graduate to have an impact on their world for God and for good.

Academic Curriculum

At RCC we believe that all Truth is God’s Truth. When Truth is sought, it will be found. Therefore, all students must be given the opportunity to be taught, to seek, and to find Truth. A student-centred, flexible and responsive pedagogical model provides for the needs and growth of the students. Therefore, learning and assessment is purposefully designed for feedback and growth.

RCC Senior School curriculum allows students in Years 9 & 10 to explore and refine their academic interests in preparation for the HSC. A great variety of subjects are offered from year to year dependant on student interests, including: Commerce, Photography, PDHPE, IST, Digital Design, Wood Technology, Food Technology, Languages, Sport, Art, Drama, Music and much more.

A Compressed HSC Model

A distinctively different Year 11 and 12 model that provides students with the opportunity to engage powerfully with their subjects whilst safely navigating these transformative years. A compressed curriculum model enables students to immerse in their learning and receive more immediate and relevant feedback, whilst reducing the heavy exam load and associated anxiety at the end of Year 12. Briefly, in this model students complete three subjects in their entirety in Year 11 and then sit the three HSC exams at the end of Year 11. They then repeat this model in Year 12. This also affords students the opportunity to engage in early entry university subjects or an apprenticeship in Year 12 without it impacting their face-to-face class time. Our HSC course offers a variety of subjects based on student interests, including but not limited to: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Extension English and Math, Art, Music, PDHPE, Business Studies, Legal Studies and more.

Christ-centred instruction is provided for all students through an incorporation of the overarching story of God’s love and grace for His creation into every unit of learning. In support of this, students engage in morning devotions and prayer as part of their Pastoral Care class. They are also explicitly taught the Bible as a text and its application to living once per week and participate in fortnightly Chapels.

Homework focuses specifically on the preparation, development and consolidation of subject specific content. In the Senior School, homework expectations include regular revision and study in preparation for effective HSC habits. Expectations are clearly communicated with students and parents.

Access to Learning & Learning Environment

At RCC we believe that all students are created in God’s image, possess unique experiences, abilities and motivations that influence how they learn and are capable of learning well. Therefore, every child deserves the grace and opportunity to be understood, catered for, celebrated and faithfully taught to learn well.

The Senior School is equipped with flexible furniture design to assist students in accessing a variety of approaches to learning. Furthermore, specialist classrooms support access to a variety of technologies necessary to enhance student’s learning, creating and responding to challenges in subject specific areas. Every student has access to a Chromebook to assist in accessing information and responding to learning activities.

An extensive Learning Support team provides every student with opportunities to maximise their learning potential. Students of all abilities are assisted to access the curriculum and grow in their knowledge, wisdom and skills. Extension opportunities are provided in the classroom that encourage a student’s ability to apply their knowledge with wisdom. Furthermore, selected students are also offered the opportunity to participate in Excellence programs in academics, creative and performing arts, sport and culture.

Individualised, additional support is provided to students with additional needs through Individualised Education Programs. Additional teaching time is afforded to students within and outside the classroom. Curriculum content, the learning environment, instructional and learning processes and outcomes are all adjusted as necessary. Student agency is a critical part of this process.

Pastoral Care

At RCC we believe that all students learn well when they are safe, connected, and belong so they can have the courage to make the mistakes that lead to true learning. Therefore, every student deserves the opportunity to listen, to be heard, to be challenged, to fail and to succeed.

RCC Senior School intentionally creates a culture of safety in classrooms and the school grounds. The pastoral care program intentionally addresses the needs of Senior School students as they navigate social and personal pressures associated with increased pressure, responsibility and autonomy. Students engage in targeted incursion and excursions, camps, career conversations, and pastoral care classes that support them in their development and decisions.

Teachers and students continually monitor and communicate with the school’s pastoral care team, including the Head of Senior School, the School Psychologist, the Learning Support Teacher, the Deputy Principal and the Principal to ensure all students are safe and belong. RCC teachers, students and parents find a sense of belonging in this safety that perpetuates courageous engagement in ‘mistake making’ teaching, learning and community.

RCC has a clear stance on inappropriate behaviour, including bullying. When we know, we act in partnership with students and parents, victims and perpetrators to eradicate the behaviour.

RCC’s chaplaincy program enhances its pastoral care for each student providing another avenue for student connection and support. The Chaplain assists with lunchtime connection activities, social mentoring and student support.


Contribution via Extra Curriculum

At RCC we believe that excellent education is the innovative kindling of a flame, lighting of a fire and teaching of one how to fish so that all students are students for a lifetime. Therefore, every student deserves the opportunity to contribute to their world though their talents and passions.

In addition to the delivery of the NSW curriculum, RCC offers opportunities for Senior School students to participate in a variety of activities that seek to foster their passions and confidence. These includes choir, drama, art, sporting gala days and representation, leadership, and educational tournaments and challenges.


Ages 4 turning 5

Pre Kindy utilises a Christ-centred, play based curriculum to provide the perfect platform for students and parents to thrive in Kindergarten. 

Junior School

Kindergarten – Year 4

RCC Junior School provides a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment where each child is known, valued and extended by their teachers.

Middle School kids in class
Middle School

Years 5 – 8

RCC Middle school builds on the foundations for learning provided by the Junior School and provides the framework for graduation success.

School hours

Monday to Friday                  8:50am — 2:55pm


Wednesday to Friday         8.50am to 2.55pm

Office hours

Monday to Friday                  8:30am — 3:30pm

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To assist parents in the nurture of their children,

By providing a Christ-centred, biblically grounded, academically rigorous and culturally relevant education that instils a sense of identity, purpose and hope in students that equips them to live for God’s glory.



7 Gallans Road,
Ballina NSW 2478

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