29 November 2024 Last night I found myself watching the Matildas playing Brazil in an international soccer friendly at Suncorp Stadium. It was an amazing game to watch. There was skill, finesse,...
Principal’s Thoughts
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By this you shall be known….
18 October 2024 The HSC is upon us in full flight, and we are praying very much for the success of our Stage 6 students across this month. It is a strange moment though. If you have done it, you...
Fan the Flame
27 September 2024 2024 Graduation Speech: Ah, Year 12. On a day like this, what do you say to a such a wonderful bunch of people who have done their best to lead with integrity, learn with fervour,...
The Ladder is Flat
13 September 2024 This week I have had the privilege of interviewing our candidates for the 2025 RCC Student Leadership team. It has been a wonderful reminder of how great our students are and how...
“The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath” (Mark 2:27)
2 August 2024 I don’t think I need to convince anyone in our modern world that it seems like we are busier than before, so much busier. For me it is more often that the plethora of options and...
Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured….
2 August 2024 Watching the Olympics over the week reminds us that whilst some get awards so many others strive to achieve and excel just by competing. As such, whilst it was wonderful to start...
It takes a village to raise a child.
28 June 2024 From the beginning of time, we were made to be in relationship. This is where we find meaning, purpose and hope. When God says in Genesis 1:26 that ‘we’ should make man in ‘our’ image,...
Keep going….
14 June 2024 “Remember, you are not going to do it all right tonight, but let’s have fun, this is basketball. Keep going…” Jason Kidd In what may be a shock to many of you, I have to confess, I am a...
Rejoice in your God-given Authenticity….
31 May 2024 Dear RCC Community, This week’s encouraging words come from our College Captain, Eva Hanna. She presented this devotion at the Senior School assembly. I think it is something we all need...
What a privilege it is!…
17 May 2024 Follow my advice, my son; always treasure my commands. Obey my commands and live! Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes. Tie them on your fingers as a reminder. Write them...
Greater love has no one than this…
3 May 2024 “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” Jesus (John 15:13) Welcome back! All too quickly (and for some not quickly enough 😉 the school holidays...
Why High School at RCC?
1 March 2024 Education the RCC Way... It is not new, our next generations, your children are striving to make sense of their world and their role in it. The difference however, in today’s world, is...
Meet the Teachers Principal’s Address
19 February 2024 Welcome to RCC. Thank you for coming tonight and investing in this partnership, between staff and parents, it is one of the most critical partnerships in the success of your child’s...
Welcome to 2024!
2 February 2024 I wonder what you would say if I asked you what freedom means? Would you say: words like liberty, salvation, delivered, pardoned, independence, rescued, unshackled, relief… Maybe...
“Maybe Christmas (he thought) doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more” The Grinch
24 November 2023 I feel obliged to write about Christmas. It is that time of year, right? It is everywhere. I was at the orthodontist with my boy this week (there goes Christmas! ) when one of...
Every new beginning is some other beginning’s end….Closing Time, by Semisonic
10 November 2023 Ah, the deep and profound philosophical truths that came to us through the grunge-rock scene of the late 90s. Where would we be without it! It goes hand in hand with Greek...
Jacca Time!
30 October 2023 Being an ‘old-skool’ Grafton boy, I love seeing Jacaranda trees in full blossom with a purple carpet underneath, especially silhouetted against a fresh spring sunrise or the imposing...
Doing hard things….
13 October 2023 It has to be a thin world surely if you ask for an emblem at every turn, if you cannot see bees arcing and mining the soft decaying galaxies of the laden apricot tree without wanting...
Graduating class of 2023….
22 September 2023 Music has power, doesn’t it. It impacts us, don’t you think? When you hear Pharrell Williams “Happy” … you can’t help but cheer up a little What about Baha Men “Who let the dogs...
8 September 2023 7 Sleeps! We are getting very excited about next week… 30 strong years and many more to come. Birthdays are funny things aren’t they. Ask a 7-year-old about their birthday and the...
25 August 2023 I love stories. I love anything that tells them too, especially books. I have realised, however, I do not love dressing up, nor making costumes. BUT, wow, don’t our kids love...
My God is So Big!
26 May 2023 For those who went to Sunday school, I am sure you remember the song: My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do? For those who missed out:...
Lest we Forget
28 April 2023 Lest We Forget… Thank you. I must say that this time of year is always one that causes me to stop, reflect and be thankful. It may seem trivial to some, but that moment before the...
Discipline is for the ones we love
3 February 2023 Discipline is for the ones we love… A warm welcome to our new families and welcome back to those continuing the journey with us. It is a privilege to have you with us. Stephen Covey,...
Principal Celebration Speech 2022
Dec 13, 2022 We are no different to well-known symbols. When someone looks at us, they immediately see something. We represent something. We have markers that make people think – oh yeah. If I have...
Vaping is becoming more and more prevalent among kids.
Dec 11, 2022 All parents want their children to grow up happy and healthy, but sneaky marketing tactics by the ecigarette industry are seeing more young Australians becoming addicted to vaping....
Perspective Not Formula
Sep 12, 2022 In our staff devotion time this week one of our teachers suggested that we must learn perspective not a formula. It certainly gave me pause. What does it look like to operate in terms...
Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained… But happy is he who keeps the law
Aug 17, 2022 Recently, at a recent event with some old colleagues I received a stark reminder of the importance of staying true to our vision and mission. Be it personally or as a Christian School,...
Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be
Jun 27, 2022 This week I had the pleasure of addressing the secondary chapel. They have been listening to a series of talks on what defines us. They have been challenged to realise they are not...
Principal’s Address to BCEA AGM
May 31, 2022 The AGM of our association was held this week where I shared the following vision for RCC. If you would like more information I would be happy to chat. Many of you have seen our...
RCC Celebration Speech 2021
Dec 9, 2021 What do you do when it all gets too hard? Do you start yelling at mum or dad? Do you fight with your brother or sister? Maybe you start to hit stuff or maybe you go quietly to your room...
Enjoy the process
Sep 20, 2021 After watching Felipe Toledo, Word Surfing League’s number 3 in the world, win his final play-off under extreme pressure I heard him interviewed and asked how he managed to stay calm...
Where your treasure is, there your heart is also…
Aug 24, 2021 How did you react to the announcement that we’re going to be in lockdown until Saturday, 28 August, at least! For me, I have found the second week a lot harder than the first this time...
What’s your favourite moment?
Aug 10, 2021 I absolutely love the Olympics, not just to be able to watch the sports that we never get to see (like sport climbing – that was amazing!), but we get to look at life from a different...
Praise the Lord
Jul 29, 2021 Without getting too deep into a philosophical conversation, with everything going on around us at the moment, I would like to share with you a thought I had in the middle of the week....
Jun 16, 2021 … We also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God...
Talking to Jesus
May 26, 2021 I was recently listening to a new song that tells the story of the impact of faithful prayer on one family. It is called Talking to Jesus, by Elevation Worship and Maverick City...
Seize the Day
May 12, 2021 Opportunity can take many forms, and often it is the way we choose to see something that enables us to truly make the most of the opportunities before us or run from them. The...
Identity. Purpose. Hope.
Mar 29, 2021 Education the RCC Way… In the world our children are inheriting, their sense of hope, purpose and identity are entangled in media driven notions of success, popularity (especially in...